Martial and Professional Biography

Karate Do Student, Ken Shinkan, (1991-1995).
Re-started Karate as Kyu, Goju Ryu style 2013 through Today.
Muay Thai Practitioner (2017-Today)
Karate Do Instructor Goju Ryu Style.
Matayoshi Kobudo (weapons usage) Student (2013-Today).
Instructor in self-defense techniques.
Founder of Kiritsu Dojo Goju Ryu Style OGKK
Founder and Owner of Actytu Online English School (2023) (
Founder and Co-owner of Online Clinica Dra. Violeta Díaz clinic (
Aviation Commercial Engineer (USA, Bridgewater State University, Specialized in Aviation Management), Master´s in Business Administration (MBA, Universidad Santa María) 2009, Graduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship (Boston University, 2008), Lean Enterprise Diploma (Universidad Católica 2017), TPM and Lean Methodologies (G-Nesys 2018). Graduate Diploma in Finance (Universidad Adolfo Ibañez 2015-Incomplete for personal purposes).
Second-Dan black belt (Ni dan) in Karate Do, attained in October 2018. Since December 2017, I have been a member of the Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate-do Kyokai (OGKK). In October 2018, evaluated by a committee comprising Ryoichi Onaga (10th dan, vice president of OGKK), Francisco Perez Orenes (8th dan OGKK), and Mario Lugones Correa (6th dan OGKK), and was awarded the 1st dan OGKK rank.
Marcial Development:
3rd Sea Training Day on Karate-do, organized by Dojo Yuetsu. Valparaíso, May 2014.
International Gasshuku of Goju Ryu, taught by Sensei Ramon Veras 7th dan (Puerto Rico) and Sensei Masataka Muramatsu 9th dan (Okinawa). CEO, April 2016.
4th Sea Training Day on Matayoshi Kobu-do, advanced weapons. Organized by Dojo Yuetsu. Valparaíso, May 2016.
On Goju Ryu, taught by Sensei Mario Lugones 5th dan, Head of Instructors OGKK Argentina. UTFSM, September 2016.
International Goju Ryu Gasshuku, taught by sensei Ryoichi Onaga 9th dan Vice Director OGKK. Mendoza, October 2016.
Style update seminar. Organized by SKD Shobukan, taught by Sensei Patricio Cifra 8th dan Karate-Do. UTFSM. January 2017.
On Goju Ryu, taught by Sensei Mario Lugones 5th dan, President of the South American OGKK Association. Conducted at UTFSM, May 2017.
OGKK Argentina Gasshuku. Taught by sensei Mario Lugones 5th dan, Head of Instructors OGKK Argentina. Uspallata November 18-20, 2017.
Traditional OGKK Gasshuku. Organized by OGKK Yuetsu Chile. Led by Mario Lugones sensei. April 28-30, 2018.
25 de Mayo OGKK Gashhuku, Argentina, Led by Mario Lugones and Marcelo Garcia Sensei. 2018
OGKK Pergamino Gasshuku, Argentina, Led by Mario Lugones Sensei and Danilo Maschiotta Sensei.
OGKK Kata Workshop, endorsed by the South American OGKK Association. Taught by Mario Lugones sensei. July 2018.
IOGKF Chile National Open Gasshuku. Taught by Masakazu Kuramoto sensei. September 7-9, 2018.
6th South American OGKK Gasshuku 2018. Taught by Ryoichi Onaga sensei (9th dan and vice president OGKK). Organized by OGKK Yuetsu Chile and OGKK Pergamino. October 5-7, Santiago de Chile; October 12-14, Pergamino Argentina.
2018 OGKK Chile Gasshuku of Goju Ryu, led by Ramon Veras (7th dan OGKK) and Masataka Muramatsu sensei (9th dan and vice president OGKK). September 21-22, 2018.
Uspallata 2018 OGKK Gasshuku. Taught by Mario Lugones sensei; December 8-9. Uspallata, Argentina.
5th Meeting at Sea, on Matayoshi Kobudo. Organized by OGKK Yuetsu Chile. Valparaíso, March 2019.
4th Traditional OGKK Chile Gasshuku 2019. Taught by Mario Lugones sensei, organized by OGKK Yuetsu Chile. May 11-12, 2019.
OGKK Winter Gasshuku, Mendoza 2019. Taught by Mario Lugones sensei. Argentina, June 2019.
4th South American Andean Gasshuku 2019. Taught by Mario Lugones 6th dan OGKK. Uspallata, Argentina. December 7-8, 2019.
5th Traditional OGKK Chile Gasshuku 2021. Organized by OGKK Yuetsu Chile, directed by Mario Lugones Correa. December 4-5, 2021.
IOGKF San Bernando 2022 Gasshuku. Organized by Dojo López, led by Jorge Rivera. August 2022.
6th Traditional OGKK Gasshuku. Taught by Mario Lugones sensei, assisted by Danilo Masciotta sensei, 5th dan OGKK, organized by OGKK Yuetsu Chile. January 6-8, 2023
7th Traditional OGKK Gasshuku, taught by Mario Lugones sensei. Organized by OGKK Yuetsu Chile. September 29 - October 1, 2023.