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Plan Mensual
35,000CLPRenueva tu plan mensual y sigue disfrutando de este gran caminoValid for one monthPlan Trimestral
95,000CLPDisfruta de un menor precio asegurando tres meses de entrenamiento!Valid for 3 monthsClases Personalizadas Karate Do
110,000CLPAprende a tu ritmo y tu espacio accediendo a una mayor focalización y entendimiento de la disciplina y sus técnicas. Clases en tu domicilio o a convenir.Valid for one month
OGKK Annual Membership
By belonging to the world organization "Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate Do Kyokai" we must pay an annual membership. The values are adjusted annually and are low cost (reference value $15,000 app). This amount is sent to Japan so that when the students pass the grade, their certificate is official worldwide, giving the right to practice in any OGKK school in any country with prior authorization from the respective Sensei, plus a series of other benefits.
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